Tuesday 29 January 2013

*Film synopsis#
- Firstly we see the victim sprinting down the road that leads to a graveyard. The audience is left puzzled as they do not know who is chasing him or what he’s running from yet. He is breathing heavily and keeps looking backwards to see what is behind him. Because he is not looking where he is going he trips over and falls to the ground. He gets to his feet and the silhouette of the killer dashes across the camera, at this point the audience has the idea that he is being chased and running from someone in particular, it’s also shows that this antagonist is superior to the victim because he can outwit him quickly. The victim utters “I think I lost him” there’s dramatic irony at this point because we know that he hasn’t got away and is still vulnerable. Then the screen goes black and we hear the sounds of bones cracking. After this, we see the murderer dragging the corpse away from the murder scene and dumping him behind a hut. Next, we jump to a red room with pictures of other people on the walls, the murderer laughs and crosses of his latest victim.

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