Friday 15 February 2013

*Typical Horror Characters# (2)

The ‘Monster’  Antagonist - Can take many forms of antagonist such as Serial Killer, Zombie, Ghost, Monster or have Demonic Possession. If they are human they will often have a mask on or some kind of deformity, making it close to impossible to identify them. Wearing a mask also plays on the fear of the unknown. No matter what injuries they seem to receive, they can always seemingly recover from it and get back up, even if its something as serious as stabbing, giving it an idea of inhuman. Any other type of killer plays on the fear of the unknown, and as there isn't any solid proof they do not exist it scares the audience about what they do not know.

The Loved Up Couple - Male and female couples, never any same sex couples. They are usually away from the group, together. Don't notice the killer as they seemingly are oblivious, and are so wrapped up with each other they don't see the killer coming at them. They frustrate the audience putting them on the edge of there seat.

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